Alright I'm going to steal it too. (My sister stole this from her friends blog and I'm stealing it from her)1- Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper. I always have different wrapping for
santa presents, but I always wrap everything in paper. Sometimes with bows. Mostly without. Just as simple as possible.
2-Real or artificial tree? Through the first couple years of our marriage we always got a real tree, but over the years I convinced Norm to get an
artifical tree because real ones just made too much of a mess. We have had an artificial tree now for 5 years
3-When do you put up your tree? We usually always put it up on Thanksgiving day, after our feast
4-When do you take the Christmas tree down? Usually sometime right after the 1st of January when I get around to it.
5-Do you like eggnog? Yes! I love eggnog but nobody else in the family does so I usually don't get any because I can't drink a whole carton on my own.
6-Favorite gift received as a child? We got a secret
santa when I was 10. I remember getting a watch and a sweater. I can't remember much else just that my parents were so excited to see us open our presents. They kept telling us to hurry up because they wanted to see what we got. I got a whole trash bag full of presents as well as my brother and sister. I remember Becky got a sit-and-spin. It became her most prized toy she owned.
7- Hardest person to buy for? My brother in laws. Its not so hard now that David is married but Randy is impossible to think of anything fun.
8-Easiest person to buy for? My little girls. I know them so well that they don't even need to tell me what they want anymore, I just know!!
9-Do you have a nativity scene? Yes! I've owned several over the years. They have all been nonbreakable until this year. The kids have just learned now to leave it alone.
10-Mail or Email Christmas cards? I mail them when I ever send them out. I always forget and never get around to it. I've send cards out only 3 out of the 14 years.
11- Worst Christmas gift ever received? I can't remember. Now that I'm a Mom I don't usually get too much for Christmas so I'm always happy with whatever they give me.
12- Favorite Christmas movie? The Christmas story. My kids say they haven't see it so we will have to change that this year.
13-When do you start shopping for Christmas? I always do all my shopping before Thanksgiving. I can't stand all the crowds at Christmas time. This year I mainly did all my shopping online.
14-Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Of course, but I would never tell. Actually my brother in law David has this running joke for years now. He left behind one of his presents, a bowling set a several christmas's past and my mother in law wrapped it again the following year. Every year they re-wrap it and give it too him. We teased him about giving it too him as a wedding present but we never actually did.
15-Favorite thing to eat at Christmas time? It's defiantly the fudge!!!
16-What color light on the tree? White, It's prelit.
17- Favorite Christmas song? My most favorite is Silent Night, but I love all the songs about the savior.
18-Travel at Christmas or stay at home? We ususally travel to my parents, but the last couple years have left us at home. This year it is finances but my parents are coming to us.
19-Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Dasher, Dancer, Donnner, and Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Prancer, Vixen, and the most famous reindeer of all Ruldoulph.
20-Angel on the tree top or a star? We actually have a fairy. We have tinkerbell on our tree. The frist couple of years it was Mickey, then an angel and for the past couple of years it has been tinkerbell.
21-Open the present Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? We always let the kids open one present on Christmas Eve. We always pick it for them and it's always P.J.'s Christmas morning they get to open there stockings and then take the rest of the presents over to Norms parents to open them there first thing in the morning. When we are at my parents we just wait to open them either while dinner is cooking or after dinner, depending on the time.
22-Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The crowds. I hate all the hustle and bustle and the streets and in the stores. Especially with all the snow. It just drives me crazy.
23-What theme or color are you using? We use red/ white/ and silver in honor of our tinkerbell topper.
24-Favorite Christmas Dinner? My dad's prime rib. Yummy!!!
25-What do you want for Christmas this year? I want my kids to have a wonderful Christmas and be with all of my family. I'm able to get the family part so I just hope my kids have fun.